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Celebrating Ostara ~ The Spring Equinox!

Writer's picture: Catrice JaramilloCatrice Jaramillo

The Wheel of the Year is turning yet again! Ostara (The Spring Equinox) is just around the corner so here's a sweet simple ritual to honor this renewing time! This is one of my favorite rituals to celebrate. It doesn't take a lot of time or supplies, which is great for kiddos or there's not hours to dedicate.

Ostara is a modern pagan Sabbat (or holiday) which honors the Goddess Ostara (or Eostare), the Germanic Goddess of fertility, new beginnings and renewal and marks the Spring Equinox, a celestial event where the day and night are of equal lengths. Most of the world will celebrate on March 21st but our ancestors didn't have the calendar we have today so they would have followed the lunar cycle which will vary from year to year. This year (2024) the celestial Spring Equinox will fall on March 19th. However the day isn't as important as the intention, so choose the day that most speaks to you and your practice.

Symbols of the Goddess include colored eggs. rabbits or hares, or seeds. All of which can represent rebirth, renewal and fertility. There are so many beautiful ways to celebrate this joy filled Sabbat such as a gathering for a feast, prosperity or renewal spells, the list can go on! There's so many great resources and stories so I encourage you to go down the "rabbit hole" and look what speaks to you!

Since I have two kiddos, my goal is to make these celebrations simple and impactful. Normally I will pair a special meal with a activity/ritual which has worked well. Now that my oldest is in her teen years, I have the next layer of making these activities not seem too "childish". (Cue the "that's so lame" eye roll.)

Hence I wanted to share one of my favorite rituals that's quick and fun (for those little hands) but also full of deep intention (for the bigs)! This has been a hit in my household and I hope it brings you the same joy!

Fertility Egg Ritual


  • Eggs (one for each person participating)

  • Permanent Markers or Sharpies

  • Optional: non-toxic dyes if you wish to color your eggs first and old clothes

For this easy ritual, sit and meditate on what you would like to "plant" in your life. What might you like to birth in the upcoming year? Allow yourself to muse and see what comes up. For kids, you can ask them the same questions, you'd be surprised at what comes up! If you're dying the eggs, this would be a great time to have the conversation!

Now you take what came to you and write in directly onto the egg. You can use single words, sigils, runes, Ogham or drawings. For us, we choose to do Runes which was fun for the kids to look through the meanings and find what really spoke to them plus it was easier to write onto the egg.

Once you completed your egg, dig a deep enough hole near your front door and bury the eggs. You could also add seeds or a plant to bloom in spring time! *Note: If you have pets or live in a area that has wildlife, I suggest putting a layer of dirt over the eggs, add stones/rocks, then completely cover the hole. I learned this because our puppy dug up all our eggs one year! 🙈

Burying the eggs near your front door will attract and bring in what you inscribed on your egg!

This is a simple structure ritual. If there's something you would like to add or deduct from this, please do so! It's all about intention. Enjoy it!

Wishing you all a very blessed and abundant Ostara! 🐇✨

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