Ah, the fertile, playful and sensual energy of Beltane is here! In Celtic tradition, Beltane is one of the four fire festivals celebrated during the year. It marks the midway point between the Spring and Summer Equinoxes and is considered the herald of Spring.
This time sees the joining of the Greenman and the Greenwoman in love and unity. It is a time ripe with fertility as reflected in the Earth with budding blossoms, birds busy building nests and the feeling of expectancy!

With all this love in the air, it's natural to apply this energy to yourself! Below is a simple yet divine ritual bath to bathe yourself with all the bliss and playfulness that Beltane brings.
Epsom salts or magnesium flakes (such as Ancient Minerals)
Milk powder of choice
Essential oils of Ylang Ylang, Rose and/or Jasmine
Seasonal Flowers (such as sunflowers, daffodils, roses, violets, tulips, etc)
Candles in green, purple, blue, yellow and/or red. (If none available, white will be perfect :)
Incense for cleansing
Optional: Crystals: Emerald, Garnet, Malachite, Rose Quartz, and Tourmaline
Fun fancy robe or nightgown
The Ritual
First begin by cleansing the space (don't forget to really get in those corners!), crystals (if using) and yourself. Take deep cleansing breaths as you drop into your skin, letting all thoughts float like bubbles out of your mind. Release any body thoughts and call in all the love for your vessel that's carried you up until this point.
Arrange the crystals and candles around the tub as you feel called. Perhaps it's around the rim of the tub if you're able or on a tray near the tub. As you place each crystal, call in the crystal's properties and give gratitude for what they provide during the ritual. Light the candles, calling in the energies of Beltane.
Begin drawing the bath water, envisioning the waters as a purifying spring. While the water is flowing, scoop a generous handful of salt and as you pour it into the bath water, affirm what you wish to call into the bath. Do this 3-4 times, saying a affirmation every handful. The affirmation may be either a single word or a phrase. Then take a generous handful of milk powder and envision all the abundance of the Universe as you pour in into the bath.
Gently place the flowers into the bath, once again calling on the sensual and fertile energies of Mother Earth. Then float about 3-5 drops each of the chosen essential oils on the top of the water.
As you enter the bath, feel yourself in balance with the feminine and masculine energies of creation. You may wish to simply revel in the beauty of the bath, go into a mediation or work with a chosen Goddess or God. What ever you are called to do, be present!
When the bath is finished, allow yourself to air dry to soak up all that goodness the waters provided! Then throw on a fancy robe and step into that Goddess/God energy!
Simple reminder, when creating a ritual atmosphere, remember intention is the key! Bring in elements that speak to your heart. Be mindful of color, texture, and scent since all these will impact the result of the ritual. There's no right or wrong way, just your way. So have fun, be creative and allow yourself to get lost in the magick!
Sending all the bounty of Beltane Blessings!! So mote it be!
